Wednesday, June 1, 2011

New Playground

The last few posts have had some mention of this swing set that Trina and I have decided to build. We finally finished it and are ready to show it off. We really want to thank Brad for all of his hard work taking it apart and helping us put it together. Tyler also came over and work with on on Saturday morning. I guess it's payback for the time I helped him take his down. I also want to recognize and thank Trina for working hard on this project. I had a lot of bad ideas that were quickly put to rest thanks to my better half. She always works hard on our house projects and I couldn't be happier with the outcome. Grayson watched us work and for the most part stayed out of trouble. This is what the swing set looked like in the previous owners backyard. We didn't put it back together the way we found it, but we kept most of the major parts in the same place.

Notice how the swing is attached. That is the most significant change that we made. We also put the monkey bars and the slide on the same side of the platform.This is early in the project. We spent a lot of time trying to level the platform. It wouldn't have been the big of a problem, but we cut it in half trying to take it out of the other person's backyard. Once we got the two ends put together and built the platform, the rest of the project was pretty easy. This is how we attached the swings. Notice that we have three swings rather than just two. This was the second most complicated task. We had to follow directions in order to get this set up.

This is the swing set from the front-west side of the yard.

This is the angle from the back-west side.
Here is the view from the back-east side of the yard.
Here is our finished product!We replaced a lot of wood, screws, bolts, washers and nuts. That doesn't even include the dozen or more screwdriver bits that broke while taking out the rusty screws. This project was bigger than I anticipated. Two weeks ago I would have told everyone not to buy a used play set. This week I changed my mind. We have a thousand dollar playground in our back yard and paid a very small fraction of what we would have if we bought it new. I'm proud that Trina and I were able to do this the way that we wanted it.


Kim said...

Looks fantastic!!! It is sooooo nice to have some other handymen in the family! I'm sure Grayson will have some great times in your backyard. You should be very proud.

Tanner said...

I am far from handy, but I know people who have tools that make me feel handy. (thanks Brad)