Saturday, June 18, 2011

First Week Home

This summer has been great so far. I love being home with Grayson Monday through Thursday. Trina gets to join us Friday through Sunday. Rather than doing the same thing each day, Trina came up with a list of fun things we can try this summer. So far we have gone to the library for toddler time, gone on a lot of bike rides, swam in the pool, played at the splash pad, swung on the swings at four different parks as well as a picnicked at the Beaver Park Zoo. Next week we are going to see a former co-worker of mine reading at a park for story time. That's if jury duty doesn't last all week. YUCK!I know that I post a lot of pictures of Grayson swinging, but that's when we get the best smiles. He loves his swing about as much as he loves his cup of milk.

I was told to get Grayson out of the pool and ready for supper last week. Once I took of his suit, Grayson only wanted to play.Grayson is at the age where he copies everything that he sees. What do you think we were doing this day? Evan and Dakota had a birthday party last week out at their farm. Evan got two kittens and named them Buzz and Woody. Grayson had never been around kittens before. I think the only cats that Grayson knows are Autumn's. They are much bigger and don't quite have that kitten personality any longer.

1 comment:

Autumn said...

I love the one in the swing! He is such a cutie pie, it makes me want to come over and give him a BIG hug and kiss!