First, I want to start by saying THANK YOU to Tanner for maintaining our blog. I find myself constantly prioritizing. When Grayson takes a nap (which is much less frequently these days) I have to decided what is most important to get done at that time, whether it be a shower, eating lunch, checking email, doing laundry. It seems blogging is the very last thing on the list, right before cleaning.
Today is my half way point. I've been off work for 6 1/2 weeks and I have 6 1/2 weeks left until I return on May 17 (2 days before my birthday). The past several weeks have been a rollercoaster or learning and emotions, I have enjoyed it immensely! In a different economy, where we don't have to be afraid of Tanner loosing his job, I would stay at home full-time with Grayson in a heartbeat! It makes me cry just thinking about leaving him for 8 hours a day M-Th. Heck, I've had a hard enough time the whopping 2 times I've been away from him- 1 time for 10 minutes and last night for 2 1/2 hours at bedtime.
I know Grayson is less than 2 months old, but I've already come to realize how quickly our babies grow up. I feel like my "baby" is not going to be a baby much longer...We are long done with the Newborn sizes and 0-3mo are getting a little tight. Soon he'll be sitting, growing teeth, eating real food, etc.
Grayson only a day old
Grayson on 3/20
Juilfs Jolly Jingle 2018
When the kids were young we always spent a night during the Christmas
season to ooh and aah over Christmas lights and go out to supper. It was a
6 years ago
Boy has he grown! We think he looks a bit like Grandpa Allen.
I LOVE the sleeping on your chest photo! Mouth open, deep in sweet'd be complete if a little drool was coming down his chin! HA HA! He's adorable! Trina, hang in there and enjoy these next 6 weeks. It's hard to leave your baby and go back to work no matter when you have to do it but it's good for you to get away and be YOU. Not just Grayson's mom, even though you love that role. Getting away, even for a few hours, allows you to refuel. Don't lose YOU. It's something you can't understand until it happens to you. I'm only sharing because it's happened to me. I lost who I was and what my goals were for myself. I'm not saying you can't have both because you can and I do now. I'm here if you need to chat. I know you have your own sisters to goto but I'm here for you too. Just trying to reach out. Being a mom of 4, I've been in your shoes my share of times. Embrace this new role and love every minute of it. Let your heart fill with pride and joy with every new milestone Grayson makes. He's so precious and he will grow fast. It's such fun, fullfilling job and journey! You're doing an amazing job!
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