Yes, I know we have slacked on posting, but in our defense we had a busy week.
On Wednesday we had our second of four childbirth classes. It was probably the most helpful class we've had so far. In this one we talked about "comfort skills" during labor. We learned how to use various items as a way to provide comfort. For example, bringing a tennis ball or a pool noodle for back massage.
On Wednesday we also had a visit to the doctor. We didn't really find anything new or interesting out. The baby is still positioned the way it has been for several weeks- head way down with it's butt up by my right ribs and feet kicking to my left side. The doctor said it isn't in an ideal position yet, but we've got time for it to move. She again noted that the baby seems to be very active and good sized.
Thursday I worked late into the night to work on our annual Bowl For Kids' Sake fundraiser.
If you aren't familiar with BFKS, check out this link to our online fundraising page. And while you are there, feel free to make a donation to my efforts. BFKS begins a very busy season for me. Myself and one other co-worker (who happens to be my boss) plan and implement the event. We bowl 24 times from Feb 2-28. So this baby better make it to March!
On Friday, I worked. Ok, so doesn't seem difficult, but I'm working 40 hours a week now. I've adjusted well to working 32 hours a week since my position change in April. But because of BFKS, there is no way I could get it all done in 32 I'm approved to work up to 40 a week. I started doing that several weeks ago, and will continue until baby is here. I used to take Fridays off, but now I'm working them. And soon I'll be working Saturdays and Sundays at the bowling alley too.
Saturday brought our baby shower! Family joined at Lone Star in Cedar Rapids on Saturday to help us celebrate our soon arrival of Baby Roos. The women played some games and opened gifts while eating some appetizers. Then the men joined us for a late lunch / early dinner. We feel like we have nearly everything we need for baby now! We've really enjoyed adding the new books to our reading at night. Our favorite gift was the bag of items from when I was a baby. My mom gave me the little red dress I wore for my first Christmas, a sweater and booties I wore when I was born (the booties never fit me), the pink t-shirt and hat from the hospital (again, neither fit me), and several other items. Thanks everyone who came to celebrate!!
Sunday Tanner had his usual soccer. Afterwards we went to Tyler & Taya's for dinner. Unfortunately Taya had to work, but we enjoyed spending some relaxing time with Tyler and the girls.
Last night we had another baby class, called New Baby New Beginnings. This is in additional to the childbirth series we are doing on Wednesdays. I didn't learn much in the class last night, but there were some good reminders about communication and making time for self/spouse after baby comes. We would rather try out a class and not learn anything, than to not try it and miss out.
In our 34th week of pregnancy, we're looking ahead to another busy week...another doctor appointment (weekly now), childbirth class again, 3rd Grade Specials night, 3rd Grade Clay at Coe, BFKS Kick-off event (which Tanner and I are both working at), and a Rough Riders Hockey game for BBBS.
Juilfs Jolly Jingle 2018
When the kids were young we always spent a night during the Christmas
season to ooh and aah over Christmas lights and go out to supper. It was a
6 years ago
Your busy schedule now will help you appreciate your time off with the baby even more! The shower was great! We are counting down until our beautiful niece gets here!! :)
I'm sure you and Tanner have made a birth plan, most first time-well educated parents do. Just wanted to tell ya though not to get too attached to the plan and to be prepared and read up c-sections too. I wanted an uneventful birth with Avery and ended up with a c-section. Not my ideal plan. Most moms that come into our unit with a strict birth plan end up being sectioned, just because...not sure why. Kind of a standing joke/curse. I hope you get to have your perfect birth with everything going the way you want. Good labor vibes coming your way! (And an easy delivery and recovery) When it gets tough, just remind yourself to breathe and know that the contraction will end at some point, giving you a break you deserve to refuel.
Trilby said "neice"? Does she know something we don't? Or just wishful thinking? I'm hoping for a nephew!
Clearly the Juilfs and Roos families are in different camps as far as wishing for a certain sex of baby. We're looking for that first little granddaughter. But, that being said, we'll all be thrilled with whatever you have!! I'm hoping for you to have the same type of labor I had--quick and uncomplicated. I enjoyed the shower on Saturday. I always love to have all of my kids in one room!
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