Grayson is going to be turning 6 months old at the end of the week. Doesn't he look like a big kid! He smiles all of the time and has started laughing from time to time. We have a great video of him laughing in the bath tub, but it shows his parts. We will have to try to get another video soon to post on the blog. Maybe when Erik is at our house he can help me upload it. I've had a lot of troubles adding video. Once I do get it uploaded, watch out! You may see a new video each week!

Grayson is ready for football season. Unlike the Chicago Cubs, the Iowa Hawkeyes are expected to do very well this year. I think they are a preseason top ten team. I can't wait to throw a football back and forth with him in a few years.

We got out the bubbles and played on the deck. When we were holding the bubbles close to him, he would grab for them and watch them pop. He liked it when we blew a lot of bubbles at once in his direction.

Max even enjoyed playing with the bubbles. Here you can see him jumping high to attack the bubbles with his mouth. If you look close enough, you can see that he caught one just before the picture was taken.