Over the next three days, I am going to show you how Grayson spends most of his day. The blog is set up to only show five pictures at a time. Check in tomorrow to see what else he has been up to.

Grayson usually sleeps from about 9:00 p.m. until around 7:30 a.m. This is subject to change without notice! A few days ago, Grayson slept for 6 hours without needing to feed. Most of the time he only makes it about two hours.

After waking up, it's time for a diaper change! The cloth diapers that we use are not as bad as I thought they would be. As long as things stay the same (you know what I'm talking about) I think I'm a fan of them. As soon as things start to change, I'm going to reevaluate my position.

After Grayson has been up for an hour or two, it's time to get ready for his day. The old clothes have to come off and the new ones have to be put on. We put him to sleep in a night gown (looks like a dress) or a sleep sack (looks like sleeping bag with arms). When he needs to be swaddled, we use a swaddle blanket with Velcro tabs to hold tight, or just wrap him up tight in a receiving blanket.

When Grayson is fully dressed, for the day, Trina and I can't help but tell each other how cute he is. Today we put him in a matching pants and top. I think this is the first time he has worn this outfit.
Grayson likes to spend time using his bouncer. Really, it doesn't bounce. It does vibrate and plays music. We thought it would be fun to have a picture with the dogs and Grayson since his shirt says "Woof!"
Check the blog tomorrow to see other fun things that Grayson likes to do.