Longer stronger nails! For 26 years I have been cursed with weak, brittle, peeling, ridged nails that are constantly breaking and chipping. I've even been painting them. When you have strong non-peeling nails, apparently the paint stays on better and longer.
It's one thing that makes me feel good and a little "pretty" even when I can't see my feet or fit into my shoes & clothes. I'm pretty sure Tanner thinks I'm crazy for enjoying this, as he said, he's always had strong nails and never thought twice about it.
Update: We have a doctor appointment today at 4. We hope to ask a lot of questions regarding the ultrasound (last one and next one), when our next ultrasound will be, my heart rate and activity issues. Although I know I haven't gained too much weight, I feel like I've gained a ton already. Nothing fits anymore, not even my stretchy cotton comfy pants, my shoes and some maternity shirts are getting a little short in the belly. We even had to buy a stand-in wedding ring yesterday for me to wear, because mine is getting stuck on my hand. I will wear it the rest of my pregnancy, then never wear it again. Although I need to probably start wearing it, I just can't let go of mine.
I obviously stopped giving weekly updates on the pregnancy. There for a while, I just felt like nothing major was happening, nothing worth sharing. I will try to do a better job of posting again. Our goal is at least 2 times a week.
Our baby is now the size of an eggplant: